here for you.

As your coach, I’m ready to help you find the best tools and strategies to meet your goals, and overcome any obstacles you face. Let’s do this!

Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to understanding where you are, where you want to be and why.

  • Targeted

    I will teach you lifelong skills to overcome challenges that get in the way of achieving the results you want now, and in the future (really).

  • Integrative

    I will guide you to prioritize and integrate your unique desires for the life and career you want.

how you’ll feel

more confident, Clearheaded and ready to move towards your goals

What you get-Progress, Accountability. personal growth

  • We work together on your acheiving your goals in 1:1 sessions

  • We use the session to check your progress, plan your next milestone and answer all your questions

    • You leave the session focused, clear & motivated

  • I provide

    • Unlimited support via email for guidance between sessions

    • Brief email summary with next steps

    • Personalized tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

    • CME/CE Credit through reflective learning



What is a life coach?

A life coach is someone who can help you improve your life, feel better and achieve your goals.

What does a life coach do in a coaching session?

A life coach helps you to uncover what’s going on when you feel stuck, frustrated, or disappointed with your results, and overwhelmed. A life coach can help you to recognize where you’re stuck and show you exactly what needs to change when you can’t see it yourself. A life coach teaches you skills and provides you with resources such as worksheets and other exercises to support and drive the process.

What’s the difference between a life coach and a therapist?

The major difference between a life coach and a therapist is the focus of the work. Therapy focuses on mental and emotional health and healing. Many people have both a therapist and a coach. Life coaching focuses on setting and achieving future goals and achieving a fuller potential. Examples of life coaching are time management, losing weight, improving physical fitness. Also transitions such as getting a new job, leaving a job, retirement and returning to work after raising a family. Life coaches help you to clarify and accelerate reaching a goal, stop unhelpful habits and explore how to bring more meaning, purpose and joy into your life.

I have friends and colleagues who help me with my problems. How is this different?

A life coach is like the friend who will call you out when you are showing up in a way you don’t want to, give you tough love and believe in you before you believe in yourself. Unlike a friend, a life coach will point out things that may be difficult to hear, and give you space and support to honestly explore what you really want in your life so you can feel better and achieve your goals.

You focus on womEN, are trans and nonbinary People welcome?

Yes! My focus on women is fully inclusive of any current or former experience of womanhood, and includes nonbinary-identified individuals. On a personal level, all four of my children identify as queer, and genderqueer/ nonbinary. Because of this, and because of my professional experience, many LGBTQIA colleagues have considered me to be an ally.

That said, I coach a wide range of individuals, including people who identify as male and people of all ages, races, abilities and religions. The center of every coaching relationship is each person’s individual goals.

What problems can we talk about?

You can bring any problem to life coaching. Our work is focused on solving a problem you are experiencing that you would like to address because it is causing you discomfort and sometimes suffering. Even though I am a medical doctor, I will not be providing medical advice, diagnosis, medical or mental health care and treatment. I strongly encourage all my clients to have a primary care provider, therapist and other health and mental health providers as needed while in coaching as a foundation for holistic self-care.

Do I need to buy a package, or can I buy a session whenever I’d like to connect?

The first step is to schedule a free 60-minute session so you can tell me what’s going on, and we will develop a unique plan for you, and agree how we would work together.

A package allows for time and focus to work together. A single session is available for follow up after your package is finished and may be used any time you’d like.

What qualifies as “high-achieving”?

My interest and expertise lies in coaching women and men in all phases of their career. My clients are ambitious in that they want more in life, and want help getting there faster with coaching. Perhaps there is a goal that you’ve been dreaming of, but have not yet achieved. That counts as high-achieving! Anyone who is interested in moving toward goals on any level will benefit from this type of coaching.

what’s so different about the approach dr. kiely uses?

My approach is to guide you towards solutions not only this particular challenge but also future challenges with confidence.

I’m a medical professional, can i earn CME/CE Credits through our work together?

Yes! Healthcare professionals — doctors, nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, and dentists — can apply learning from our coaching sessions to earn CME/CE credit.

Clinicians may earn CME/CE credit via CMEfy, the accredited activity portal, and I can help you approach your employer with appropriate materials to get the ball rolling.